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Issue courtesy of Terry: Are humans the only organisms to respond to music?
When I say “respond to music,” I mean tapping your foot, bobbing your head, dancing, or maybe you sit still but you the mood of the music inside your head.
My initial instinct says only humans can respond to music because music is an unnatural human creation. In other words, music cannot be produced by nature.
The only sounds I can think of that can elicit a response from all animals is thunder or the sound of water falling.
This is certainly related to Are humans the only organisms to respond to music? that you could would be wise to fix difficulties with their. With any luck , this helps in lots of ways, to make your life considerably better. In hopes related to Are humans the only organisms to respond to music? might be a fix when you need it.
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Answer by .:*~*:.hOnEy DiPpEd.:*~*:.
havent you seen those birds on tv dancing to music??
and dogs howling when ppl play on the piano or sing??
and snake charmers??
Answer by I love Brian
Ive heard plants can but.. idk? good question
Answer by Yeyo V
Answer by Darkguitarist
Wolves howling?
Whales singing?
Sound is all over nature, just because out sound has evolved to have man made ‘things’ like beat and syncopation, doesn’t mean animals don’t ‘respond’ to, i mean, some animals mate PURELY based on a call. I think thats a very heavy response, wolves stake their territory by instilling fear into other wolves, THATS response!
Answer by Marco
ever hear of the dance the cobras do somewhere in india or africa
Answer by liz8905
Answer by Hulagirl
plants can but besides that i think so
Answer by Alex
I don’t think other organisms brains can comprehend a beat from music. They hear it but its just another sound to them.
Answer by Jesse
no, some animals do respond.
parrots bob, dogs howl, even frogs will contribute.
Answer by wolfspirit
No many different kinds of animals also respond to music
Answer by NIck S
my dog barks to the vonage song and cant touch this
Answer by Anadriel
Yea, I heard that plants respond to music. Not the bobbing your head stuff, but they grow faster and bloom more if exposed to certain types of music. Heavy metal kills the plants. lol.
Answer by mammaCta
Yes birds definitely can (did you know some parrots, i.e. the african grey, can obtain the human intelligence of a 5 year old?)… I’ve seen dogs try to imitate human music by “howling” along with the “singing” parts of songs… its pretty cool and cute as hell. There’s a “singing chihuahua” on you tube- you should check it out.
Answer by Paul
no we are not… mostly organisms with a developed brain can respond to music.. its not like they can play instruments but they can certainly respond by acting differently… ‘dancing’ or just some different behavior depending on the rhythm of the music.
Answer by Starspix
Plants and animals respond to music also, its sound waves so they can hear it too.
Answer by muncie birder
No. It is an interesting fact that cows give more milk when they listen to music. I doubt however that it is hard rock that they listen to.
Answer by Girl Powered
I would suggest that you never rely on your instinct. Many animals respond to music, many also use it as a part of their mating rituals. Whenever my dog hears a Sax solo he starts to howl along with the music.
Answer by chillyne
have you ever heard a dog responded to the sound of a piano?? they growl like a wolf in the forrest. our dog does that and everytime our does growls like wolf, we always got goosebumps.. oldies said that whenever a dog responded to the sound of a piano, it doesnt mean they saw ghost or spirits but they like the rhythm of the music..
Answer by amberowl28
This depends on your definitions, both of music and response. Many animals sing or dance or both and all animals respond to music in some way. Animals will react to any new or novel sounds in their environment. Birds sing, it is produced naturally and it is universally recognised as musical. Other examples include dogs joining in with human music by howling etc. Studies have show with many animals that soothing music lowers heart rate and reduces aggression etc. However in snake charming its the movement of the instrument and player the snake is responding too rather than the actual music.
Answer by Matthew M
Not really. Many animals respond to their own music, and some respond to people music. IE dogs and some cats can be trained to dance to radio or mp3 music, parrots can recite lyrics, and other animals may find music calming.
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