Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Lime wire can burn a music CD?

musictipsandhints.blogspot.com ® Lime wire can burn a music CD?

Request written by Alexandra F: How do I burn a CD with my Limewire music?

I have searched answers, and I thought I knew how. So I went to options and saved my Limewire stuff in a folder in “My Music.” I went to Windows Media and clicked “Add music” and I clicked that folder. NO files were added, and now I can’t see my music that I downloaded in my library on Limewire! I’m really confused!

That may be focused on How do I burn a CD with my Limewire music? that you can preferably should solve difficulties by themself. With some luck , this’ll help in many ways, and help make your life better. Who want focused on How do I burn a CD with my Limewire music? could possibly be a treatment at a later date.
Optimum solution:

Answer by CynCity
Stay away Limewire is dangerous. It can mess up your computer and give you things you don’t want. Trust me I have a friend that had a very bad experience that landed him in jail for a year I wouldn’t chance it.

Answer by A Vehicle That Crushes You
ok make a folder on desktop and name it w/e you want to name it and than you drag all the songs from limewire into that folder. then you insert your clean cd and than double click on it in my computer and than you double click on the folder on your desktop with all the songs. then you drag those songs onto the cd

that should work

Answer by michael p
if you have a dell and windows XP, when the limewire music is downloaded, drag it to windows media player, put a CD into the CD drive and press burn.

Answer by homeslice

Answer by *Precious*
Limewire… I suspect illegal activity here.

Answer by georgeandbungle
To find your music, right click My Computer… Search… All files and Folders….then type *.mp3

This will find all the Mp3′s on your system. and give you a clue where your missing music is located.

Answer by philip m
use window media player and then burn the songs on the CD , but sometimes you need to convert the music to WMA file to be able to play on a CD player or on a CD player on a car. if you cant find the music then just right click and press on write on to CD .

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Lime wire can burn a music CD?

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