Wednesday, April 3, 2013

About taking you off the college years What do you think?

Concern caused by cxiong: How Do You Feel About Taking A Year Off College?

I know its sort of like tradition for everyone to go straight to college right after high school. But do you think its really that bad to take a year off?

I just graduated from high school and I plan to major in music. I’ve talked to my family about it, and they all think I should have some back-up plan in case the “music” thing doesn’t work out. They want me to get at least an associate in business or something. I understand where they’re coming from, but it’s not for me.

I’ve tried applying for business administration. But while reading the course descriptions, I was turned off. Dealing with profit analysis, accounting, macroeconomics, etc… Even if its a back-up, I don’t want to waste my money on something I don’t want to do.

I know they say that once you take a year off college, you don’t really want to go back. But I do. In order to pursue my career in music, I have to go back to school. I just want to take a year off to recollect myself and get everything together.


However this is exactly about How Do You Feel About Taking A Year Off College? which you might really need to clear up problems individually. Can easily this element helps in several ways; and also make everything much better. Desiring exactly about How Do You Feel About Taking A Year Off College? may perhaps be a fix at some point.

Most practical answer:

Answer by Cole

I originally thought about doing something like that a few years ago. It seems like youd be able to do it because it seems easy. However once you graduate and you dont go straight to college theres a great possibility youll have no desire to go in the future. It doesnt seem like the best idea if you really want to go far in life.

Answer by Sarah C

You are an adult, ultimately it is up to you. EVERYONE AND THEIR MOM HAS A DEGREE IN BA. Try something different that you enjoy. History even. Most employers don’t care what you majored in in college as long as you completed college. I’m in a similar situation.

If your parents give you a hard time about not going at all, maybe try and persuade them to let you take one class per semester. You may find an interest in something. You should also work so your parents know that you aren’t just taking a year off to sleep in and party. WORK means getting a 40 hour/week job. They may be a bit more willing if you try to compromise!

Good luck!

Answer by boybig_10

Bad you shouldn’t take off one year.You have to be responible to your self.You just have to get it over with thats what I would do,you should listen to me.

Answer by Aditya

I’d agree with what your family thinks. Music is very risky, and when they say you need a back-up plan, they say it so you won’t be stranded if your music career doesn’t take off.

As for taking a year off college, if you REALLY want to take a year off, then do it. It’s better than half-heartedly/unwillingly going to college. But keep in mind, once you take a year off, you’ll go through hell adjusting to the college routine.

Answer by oh crazy girl

I think it’s a great idea, as long as you do something productive that colleges will like to see. Travel around Europe or other places in the world if you can. Get an internship somewhere interesting. Spend time with family and friends. Do things you’ve always wanted to do during high school but you never could. And then go to college knowing your more mature than you were in high school.

Answer by mary!

I took a year off after high school because I moved to a new state, I wasn’t very sure what I wanted to do, and I just plain didn’t have the money.

I worked for a year and it was a very good thing for me. I gained enough money to live on after financial aid, I knew a little bit about the workforce so I gained more confidence in my abilities, and more important than anything: it taught me what I DIDN’T want to do.

When I did go to college I was ready for it. I’m doing better than I think I would have if I went straight to school because I know the consequences of failing. I’m better at managing my time because I know how to multi-task. Overall, I think I know value the experience of college better.

With that in mind though, if you do end up taking a year off, you do have to take measures to prevent falling into that “I don’t want to go back” trap. Make sure you’re doing steps throughout the year for college (filling out applications, writing essays for scholarships, reading up on what you want to study,etc.). And make sure that it stays a constant goal in your mind.

It might be a good plan to have a back-up, but if you’re back-up is something you dislike, you’ll just end up getting burned out. Try looking into other things that you would like to do that you could double major in.

Taking a year off is not bad, it does give some perspective. Just make sure that your year off doesn’t turn into a forever thing.

Answer by Vincent

Lets be honest, people who want to take a year off school are just being lazy and don’t want to go or they can’t afford it. I’m the same way and in a very similar situation. Personally I’ve decided to continue college so I can hopefully get a decent job and to also get everyone off my a** about school.

Answer by apollo31

Don’t do it! You said you know you would go back to college after taking a break for a year but you don’t actually know it. It becomes a habit and you would need some break through motivation to get you back off to college. My friend went to college for like 1 semester than took a break. Next college year he did come back but it was after some break through motivation. He is one year older than me and i am about to start my first year of college tommorow and am taking the same classes as him. Bascially if you take a year off you will be putting your future on hold so why not just go to college and get your career over with asap that way you will be well off when you are in your mid to late 20s. The way i see it is that i want to get done with school already cause i have gone for about 13 years already and the only way is to do it faster without stopping so i can get my career and be set for life.

Answer by Christina

I took a year off before going to college. I alway knew I’d go but after HS I needed a break. I don’t see anything wrong with it. I graduated HS in ’05 and I’m entering my 2nd year in college. (I started back in summer of ’06) I’m doing great in college and glad I took that year off.

If you’re going to take the year off, though, you should get a full-time job and save some money for when you do go to college.

Be sure better?

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About taking you off the college years What do you think?

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